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Готовая работа № 744

Тема работы:

Вариант 2

Предмет: Английский язык
Тип работы: Контрольная работа
Учебное заведение: СПбГУЭФ (ФИНЭК)
Количество страниц: 5
Оглавление: Вариант № 2

1. Put a/an or the in, or leave the space blank

a) What’s the use in taking medicine for a cold?
b) Is happiness of majority more important than the rights of indivudual?
c) It’s a long way by train to the noth of Scotland.
j) My friend always tells me answers to the homework we have.

2. Underline the correct preposition

1. I’ll see you tomorrow at ten thirty in my office.
2. Siena is quite by Florence.
3. Put a sheet over the machine to stop it getting dusty.
10. And at the next set of lights turn right.

3.....Complete the sentences with the right preposition

1. I live in a small village on the road to Dover.
2. At the beginning of my career I worked in marketing.
3. It was a very well-run meeting. Erika was in the chair.
10. Mike is still in hospital.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past form

Steve was exhausted. He had the worst morning of his of life. Everything went wrong. He had been driven to work for half an hour when suddenly his car broke down. Not wanting to be late he decided to start walking and try to catch a bus.....и т.д.

5. Write questions to which the bold type words are the answers

Somebody stole a frozen chicken. – What did somebody steal?
It was stolen from Astra Supermarket. – Where was it stolen from?
This happened yesterday. – When did this happen?
и т.д.

6. Verbs + ing or infinitive

1. Do you want to come back in half an hour?
2. I expect to be at the next morning. I think I can make it.
3. I can’t stand people interrupting all the time. It’s so rude.
20. I risk loosing all the work I’ve just done.

7. Complete the sentences with a verb from the list below

1. He admitted making a mistake on the invoice.
2. Do you fancy coming with us for a drink?
3. Wages tend to rise faster than inflation.
10. There’s no point in calling a technician they’ll be ages and I really can’t afford to wait all day for someone to come, I’m really busy.

8. Turn the following sentences into Reported speech

1. She asked how she should tell Tom the bad news.
2. She said that he must try her home-made pie.
3. He asked her if he could go home.
10. He said that they didn’t have to come if they didn’t feel like it.

9. Translate the text

Может ли инфляция быть выгодной

1. Suggest the Russian equivalents
a steady rise in money produces favourable expectations – постоянный рост цен открывает благоприятные перспективы....и т.д.
2. Replace the parts italics by synonyms

a steady rise in money profits induces investment as firms seek to expand
- a constant increase in money profits stimulates investment as firms began to develop; rates are not considered to be – rates are not supposed to be; the conclusion must be drawn – the inference must be made

3. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text

1. A steady rise in money profits produces favourable expectations and induces investment as firms seek to expand.
4. This viewpoint has gained in credence in government circles over the last few years.

4. Find in text English equivalents for the following

стимулировать капиталовложения – to induce investment;
устанавливать цену....- to fix the price;
и т.д.
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Цена: 500 руб.

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